Explore our electric sanding system kits! System kits are a great bundle option if you are just starting out on your sanding journey. Incudes sander, abrasive variety packs, and sander accessories.
SPES5HL316CV-G2 – 5 in. Electric Gen 2+ , 3/16 in. Random Orbit Sander Includes 6-Hole Hook & Loop Backup Pad Includes SPUHCMF
SP5PFVP.6 – 5 in. ProFoam Variety Pack 5mm 1/2 in. Medium 120-150 Scratch (2 of each grit) 5mm 1/2 in. Fine 220-240 Scratch (2 of each grit) 5mm 1/2 in. Very Fine 280-380 Scratch (2 of each grit) 5mm 1/2 in. Super Fine 450-600 Scratch (2 of each grit)
SPVPFILM5.6 – 5 in. Blizzard Film Variety Pack 80-320 grit (5 sheets of each grit)
SPVPRCP5.6 – 5 in. Riptide and Lightning Paper Variety Pack Red Riptide - Includes 80-320 grit (3 sheets of each grit) White Lightning - Includes 80-320 grit (3 sheets of each grit)
Non-Woven Pads SPMFD5 Maroon (1 of each grit) SPWD5 White (1 of each grit)