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INSL-X Latex Traffic Paint, White, Gallon

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A fast drying paint for marking traffic lanes on streets, highways, parking lots, warehouses and other areas where such marking is required. Traffic beads may be dropped into this coating while wet to provide light reflecting markings. If beads are applied, they should be broadcast into the wet paint at a rate of 6 pounds of beads per gallon of paint.
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  • Can be applied with a brush, roller, or hand or automatic line markers
  • Fast Dry
  • Soap and Water Clean-up
  • Interior/Exterior

For use on concrete and asphalt on interior or exterior horizontal surfaces such as streets, highways, parking lot or warehouses

More Information
Manufacturer CodeTP2210
Application: Latex Traffic Paint may be applied by brush, roller, spray, hand or automatic line markers. Do not apply when air or surface temperatures are below 50 °F. Do not paint if surface temperature is within 5°F of the dew point. Do not apply to extremely hot surfaces. Stir contents thoroughly from the bottom before using. Paint only in dry weather. Thinning is not normally recommended; if necessary thin sparingly with clean water. This Latex Traffic Paint will dry to touch (ASTM-1640, 8 mils) in 30 minutes at 72 °F. Dry to no pickup (ASTM D-711, 15 mils) occurs at 45 minutes at 72 °F. Latex Traffic Paint is not designed as an anti-slip coating.

Coverage: 4 inch line approximately 680-960 feet long.  Recommended film thickness wet 5.0-7.0 mils, dry film thickness 1.7-2.4 mils. Actual spread rate will vary based upon numerous factors, including texture of the substrate, application method, waste, surface porosity and thinning. The Theoretical Spread Rate listed on this document has not taken into account these factors and is only based upon the volume solids of this product and the recommended wet film thickness when applied to a smooth substrate.

Clean-up: Clean up with warm soapy water

Dry Time: To Touch in 30 minutes, Tack Free in 30 minutes, To Recoat in 4 Hours
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