With a rich history in the USA, Douglas Fir has been a staple in American homes since the mid 1800's. Many styles of homes used Douglas Fir for flooring, trim and millwork. Clear Vertical Grain Douglas Fir flooring has a rich color, with light and dark variations, and is sawn perpendicular to the growth rings of the tree. Vertical grain flooring is genreally more stable than a flat grain flooring, because it naturally expands and contracts with changes in humidity, it does so evenly throughout the board--no warping, twisting or buckling. Often used for porch flooring, this product will do best on a roof-covered porch or three season room. Stable and durable, vertical grain T&G flooring is a beautiful option for both new home construction as well as project renovation and repair.
Actual Thickness = 1-1/8 in. Actual Width = 3-1/4 in. Actual Face = 3-1/8 in.
Ring's End stocks actual width 3 ¼ in. wide CVG Fir Flooring in two thicknesses
For renovation and remodeiling projects, be sure to measure the overall width (back edge to tongue edge), face (back edge to front edge of board) and thickness
Unfinished, our CVG Fir Flooring can be painted, stained or clear coated to preserve and protect your investment